Thread: Red Dawn
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Old 01-13-2013, 08:34 AM   #36
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Considering the fact you didn't address a single thing I mentioned in my original reply, I find it humorous. Instead, you quickly changed the subject, hell bent on saying the Chinese are ready to attack us circa 1945 war doctrines because you're following an outdated version of how the U.S. currency is valued on the world stage.

In previous threads you've said the government's the enemy. Then it's Big Brother. Now it's the Chinese. While not a shrink you are starting to sound like this:

People with paranoid personality disorder are highly suspicious of other people. As a result, people with this condition severely limit their social lives.

They often feel that they are in danger, and look for evidence to support their suspicions. People with this disorder have trouble seeing that their dis-trustfulness is out of proportion to their environment.
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