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Old 02-11-2013, 01:20 AM   #30
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Victoria, Australia
Posts: 45
Originally Posted by Saya View Post
And I get privilege checked lots! I was just saying, its unfair to say that victims of x y or z cannot be angry or have violent feelings about what happened. And full disclosure I'm a pretty hippie dippie peace love and understanding person outside of Gnet (I think this place is catharsis for me in some ways) and I normally don't like violence, BUT I just don't think its healthy to keep such feelings pent up when they arise (and lord do I have angry feels when I get felt up and groped and cat called) and its nice to have a place to vent. And play with gender tropes.

And even simple things become more complicated the more you analyze it...
I'm just going to say it again so that it might stop be being said to me. I don't think women can not be angry or have violent feelings. I don't think they shouldn't be able to express that on the internet. I don't think they should keep those things pent up, it's great they have a place to vent.

I thought that I would ask you guys. what you guys think. about what they could achieve. what they wanted to achieve. If they were going about it in a way that would help them. What ways they could do that.
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