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Old 02-12-2013, 01:24 PM   #11
Join Date: Oct 2005
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But that's ultimately what child support is about, and why the judge can't deny it. If a woman is ***** and carries a baby to term, she's legally responsible for it unless she gives it up to the foster care system or adoption. If the rapist was not convicted, he has parental rights, and is also legally bound to give child support. If the rapists raises the baby, he can force the woman to pay child support. This happens, I've also heard of a case where a woman wanted to give a child up for adoption, and the father refused, but also refused to raise the child himself. To do this you need permission from both parents, so sadly the child ended up in foster care instead of getting adopted into a loving home.

Child support is for the child, not for the parents. Its not a him versus her thing, if you don't like things like this, fight for universal childcare and child support and take the burden off individual parents.
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