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Old 03-02-2013, 09:51 PM   #92
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Victoria, Australia
Posts: 45
No no! I'm quite ready to admit when I am wrong or misinformed! I'm never embarrassed when an inconsistency is addressed in my arguments. I just don't think my beliefs are wrong.
I feel a little misunderstood. I believe that privilege is one group benefiting from the oppression of another group and I was trying to gather opinions on how female at birth women benefit from the oppression of transwomen. I was definitely not arguing that trans people weren't oppressed, just that FAB women were not benefiting from it. It was more of a question than an opinion but you're not responsible for my enlightenment as Saya says, so I no longer expect any answers.

I didn't say that I thought transitioning was sexist, I said I've known people to say so. A lot of what I'm talking about is what I've overheard/read and I wanted to know what you thought. I'm not saying much about what I believe here.
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