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Old 03-03-2013, 12:32 AM   #94
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Victoria, Australia
Posts: 45
It's not just a topic of discussion, it matters a lot to me. It matters a lot to me because I want to help trans people. I fight for everyone who is oppressed in our social system.

I wish you could hear my tone because it is not smug, it is pleading. I'm really pretty shattered that anyone got hurt by what I said. My apology for that is sincere.

The reason I'm not stating my beliefs is that I'm in a place right now where I'm trying to form them. I'm reading everything and comparing facts and taking note of experiences and researching, researching, researching because it matters so much to me that social justice is not isolated, ignorant or inexperienced. I'm trying to get there. I'm sorry I got my inexperience all over the place.

It was a bad idea to discuss sex and gender with people I didn't know. You guys looked smart so I thought I'd found a group that would like to hear what I had to say(/ask). I didn't take into account that it would be such a raw nerve to some to discuss what I had read around the net and in books. I'll be more careful where I'm posting next time.
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