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Old 03-18-2013, 03:15 PM   #4114
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Originally Posted by Miss Absynthe View Post
Because to look past someone's identity as part of a marginalised group you are erasing their experience of that marginalisation. Also, by looking "past their colour/race/religion" etc you aren't actually looking PAST anything, you are actually assuming that your idea of colour/race/religion/sexuality/gender identity etc... is the correct natural default position. Have you noticed that nobody ever looks "past" someone's colour/race/religion etc to the assumption that their experiences are those of a black, queer, trans-woman with a disability? It's always an assumption that their experience will equate to what is known for white, straight, able-body/minded cis-gendered men.. because that is the power position in society, so that is what we assume the default should be.

There is a thing called "colour-blind racism" - if you read up about it you will find smarter people than I who will be able to explain the concept more eloquently.
Ah, thank you for your answer, and not just some stupidass statement. yes, I've noticed people typecasting others because of their gender/race/colour/religion/appearance. I just want to see the world from a different POV.

I found it interesting that while the rest of Australia was all saying "Oh look at Giles, he's the first Aboriginal person in charge of a territory" Giles was saying "Look I know there's been a lot of talk in the media about my heritage, but I want people to look at me for what I've achieved, not because I'm an Aboriginal person who has made it to this position."

So I looked up the wiki on colour blind racism and got to this statement

Critics allege that majority groups use practices of color-blindness as a means of avoiding the topic of racism and accusations of racial discrimination, and thus hide their true racial views,[8] and that color blindness is used as a tool in attacking group legal rights gained exclusively by some minority groups.[9]

But what if my true racial views are that assholes come in many different appearances? And that it doesn't matter on the outside, it matters what is on the inside, the person - and so according to colour blind racism, that makes me racist?

Ugh, there are days when it feels like I can't do anything right.

WMMD: pain medication.

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

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