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Old 12-14-2005, 10:35 AM   #18
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Helena, Montana
Posts: 6
In Her Defense!

Originally Posted by Xnguela
Is this the Raven Silverwolf that wrote the little books on how to be a teen witch? Or is this just some other schmuck that thinks that being Raven Silverwolf means that you're gothic? Oh, wait, that Raven's a girl. So you must be the schmuck.
I know of Silver Ravenwolf, and I thought she was cool for a while. Iread all those wiccan books, hey I was born into a pagan family. But I eventually moved on to me, and I had no need for them. But to give them credit, they did help me along the spiritual lines of evolution. I think Her name Raven Silverwolf is beautiful. My birth name is Raven, and my Last name is Brea(Scott). I was born in Scotland, so I know that Raven is actually a popular name. We really should be careful about putting other people down because of there chosen or given name. They might be on a spiritual path where this is a nessesary step to gaining personal power. And anyway, by puting her down and calling her names, you just validated everything this guy thinks of us. You gave him the power to see what he believes to be true. That has been the destruction of many hidden and current society today, they could not get along or support each other so they could not maintain to exist.

I never thought it was "Goth" to belittle another Goth.
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