Thread: Boston Bombing
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Old 04-19-2013, 11:09 PM   #22
Join Date: Feb 2008
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Originally Posted by Murder.Of.Crows View Post
I don't see how people are making tge conclusion this was a terroist attack. All information suggest they were pissed off teens. Im just waiting for everyone to start saying we need to attack Russia.
I don't follow - this is pretty clearly an act of terrorism, particularly the whole violence targeting / disregarding the safety of non-combatants (ie people at a frigging race). Is it politically motivated? Religious? Who knows, it is a mystery! Still terrorism.

If it's state sponsored terrorism, that could be a different matter. Assuming nobody slips this guy some polonium-210 or whatever the current political assassination coctail of choice is these days we might even find something out. That is rather unlikely. If it turns out to be the case, it's a legitimate reason for war.

I'm glad they weren't observant, several of the devices they built failed to go off. Better attention to detail and they* could have hurt more people or possibly even gotten away with it.

*Allegedly, since not convicted or whatever.
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