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Old 06-25-2013, 02:18 PM   #29
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by Despanan View Post

No I don't; and for the record atheism /= skepticism /= logic.

I really find it troubling that you think in these terms. Privileged isn't something that a group has to have, it can be eliminated across the board.

Now, as I said:

You have before, so I'm just clarifying whether you still think that way.

This is like when goths say there's non-goth privilege, or kinky people say there's vanilla privilege. They talk about it in ways that are divorced from other privileges, except when they want to compare it to other oppression (i.e. kink oppression is just as bad as homophobia/ kink people are encouraged to stay in the closet, therefore they are oppressed), I don't know why. Is it because you think being oppressed is glamourous? Do you envy the fact that a lot of us have to worry about our bodily safety each and every day, every time we go out in public? Whats so sexy about being oppressed?

So if you're just worried your inlaws will make fun of you, and call that oppression, I have to call bullshit. If you say all religious people oppress you, I call bullshit. You have no idea what its like to be oppressed and its clear.
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