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Old 12-26-2005, 10:30 PM   #23
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: The Beautiful U.S. of A.
Posts: 1,241
I find it ironic that you call those who have served in Vietnam "cowards," while at the same time suggesting that the correct course of action was to run away. Some who have served may not believe in the causes for the conflict, but do feel the need to give something back in the form of service to their country. Those people, especially former POWs like John McCaine, served proudly, and bravely.

So yeah, you calling them "cowards" doesn't cut it, my man. Especially if your reasoning behind calling them such is because they didn't back out and run away. But whatever. You're set in your ways. So I'll tell you what. Why don't you go spit on some soldiers that are just coming back from Iraq? Call them "cowards" too. Do it. Cause you'll end up with a smile that's all gums.

Your trespassing bit is also interesting. Hope you don't live in the US, cause guess who's gaves you'd be living on top of?
"[Brian Blair] was a punk. I can break his fucking back - break his back and make him humble and then fuck his ass ... Suplex him, put him in a camel clutch, break his back, and fuck his ass - make him humble. Teach him to respect the Iron Sheik. And I didn't do it, because for the God and Jesus, and Mr. McMahon." -Khosrow Vaziri (The Iron Sheik)
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