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Old 01-02-2006, 02:18 PM   #17
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Yes, thank you. I have already answered that question, but mine specifically said MY country/land.

Like you did, if we exclude historical back and forths on this, you would want palestinians to either flee their land (to Jordan, like you mentioned) or join UNRWA (which obviously is part of the United Nations you so seem to despise, you know, the same UN that Israeli's have for so long ignored).

Strangely enough, most of these so called Martyrs do come from refugee camps. I guess that being born in a refugee camp and watching your children live and die in a refugee camp makes for some changes in the mindset of what people are willing to do to counter their opression (unless of course, palestinians really aren't being repressed). I guess that many would rather see their children dead than trampled on. Many prefer the idea of their children dying to being killed by mindless twats following orders ('cause that's what it comes down to when trying to prosecute military personel, as the case of the schoolgirl evidently showed: the prosecution witnesses were soldiers themselves [bless the ones with a heart inside their chests] and yet...)
I would, of course prefer the parents to go instead, but hey, it's not me, my kids and my family living in such sub-human conditions.

Is it fucked up? Of course it is.

Again, as for the land and it's importance, it means little to someone with none and no need for it.
It already is different for me with some and no actual need for it.
As for those with none and a real need for it...

Undead again...
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