Thread: Cynicism
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Old 11-19-2013, 02:16 PM   #7
ape descendant
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I just try to appreciate life here and now. The idea that life is fleeting and finite makes it so precious. It should be treated as such.

When my dad died I dealt with it like any one else, I grieved. Even if there were some sort of afterlife I'd never get to see him again in this one, so the basic result is the same.

Death is sneaking up on all of us, if we're lucky, age will grind us down to nothing until we fade out like a sputtering candle in the night. So, enjoy what you've got while you've got it, appreciate the people you love while they're still here to appreciate. Remember them after they're gone, so that a piece of them still remains in the world.

Life just is. Life grows, reproduces and dies. Any meaning beyond that is what we impose upon it.

Be Kind
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