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Old 12-20-2013, 04:49 PM   #5407
Timeless Rebellion
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Denmark, thou Viking capital!
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I also wonder how exactly a film franchise can be illegitimate.. o.O Unless of course we are talking about fake bootleg movies - which the Twilight films are not.

Azrath, might I suggest option D?
D: Tell him that you tried, but it just didn't speak to you at all, but he is entitled to his oppinion, just as long as he doesn't expect you to start liking it.

Seems more diplomatic and less likely to end in a shitstorm.

ALSO! My random thought for the day:
I just read a news story about a local "soup kitchen" for the homeless run by a charity organization. They had arranged for a traditional Danish Christmas dinner for the homeless, and then, yesterday some lowlife thief or thieves broke in and emptied out the freezer for food. That just... doesn't seem human. I cannot begin to grasp what goes through the minds of these people. If you REALLY want free food, dumpster diving is a much better - and legal - alternative.

Luckily for this story, an anonymous and charitable person donated enough meat to replace what was stolen, so they just need to handle the potatoes now. About ten people called in and made donations to help. So at least that restores some faith in humanity.
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