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Old 12-06-2014, 07:21 AM   #5625
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: New York, NY
Posts: 28
This morning could go any number of ways. My birthday happened like about 3 weeks ago (turned 22) and my bandmate has been really psyched about the Slipknot concert happening today. He really wanted me to go but I didn't have any money to go. I was never too into Slipknot either so I was a bit unmoved about seeing them at first. Needless to say he bought me a ticket anyways (it was about $250). I'm thankful to have friends like this, although I did something that kind of threw a cliffhanger on today.

Our bassist has never been to a big metal show before, and I've already gone with the previous aforementioned bandmate to two shows already in the past (Lamb of God and KMFDM) so I thought it would only be right to pass my ticket to our bassist. It's his turn to go to show. My bandmate had called me the other day though and wanted to know why I passed the ticket off since it was actually supposed to be a birthday gift. I felt horrible but I explained just what my intentions were. He wasn't mad, he understood.

Only thing is our bassist has been MIA for like two days now and we haven't gotten in touch so there's a feeling in the air he might not show up and miss the show so my bandmate told me to be ready just in case. I may or may not end up going to this show today. In any case, I hope our bassist has a lot of fun if he ends up going.
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