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Old 02-19-2015, 02:06 PM   #5636
Timeless Rebellion
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Denmark, thou Viking capital!
Posts: 2,277
I was at a fur course paid for by school. Literally NO COST for participants. And my school had pushed to have the number of participants buffed from 20 to 25 so we could all go.
We had the trip to the school paid for us as well as a real hotel all of the days, the classes by the teachers AND an employee from Kopenhagen Fur, a skinned mink from the discarded low-price fur to use for practice, a high quality fur to use for our real product, free access to knives and all the materials nescessary, thread, expensive fabric, breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as the trip home and we got to keep the product we made.
And what happens? Someone tries to fucking STEAL A DISCARDED MINK SKIN ON THE WAY HOME so they have to start searching our bags before the thief gives it back.

My remaining sliver of faith in humanity took a serious blow there.
Forget me not, for I do not deserve it.
Forget me not, as I do not forget you.
Forget me not, since I remain around.
Forget me not, and keep my memory.
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