To answer your questuions:
1 - Since I don't know every goth girl alive and nor does anyone else, I don't think anyone can answer that. Ask a girl out and see. Goth is a type of music not a religion. There is no reason why a goth girl wouldn't date you.
Have you listened to any goth? If not start with the basics, Bauhaus, Sisters of mercy, Sex Gang Children, Alien Sex Fiend, Specimen ect ect ect. Go on youtube and look those bands up, they will lead you to more bands of a similar variety, and probably some of the "offshoots" musically speaking.
Knowing about the music will if nothing else show to any goth ladies who interest you, that you have a basic knowledge of the sort of music the whole subculture is based around, and are not simply ogling the clothing and outward appearance .
If you end up with a goth you will end up listening to that kind of music at some point on nights out or at home , so even if it's not your cup of tea you will have to learn to put up with it in some way ( and vice versa )
I say this because while nights out are not the be all and end all, you are going to BOTH have to learn to accomodate each other's tastes in music, clothing, film, culture, friends ect.