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Old 05-19-2015, 09:13 PM   #18
satanicangel66689's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Asgard!!
Posts: 62
He suddenly hears something from outside. Pelle's eyes go wide with fear. "It is him. The demon. He has returned." He starts to shake. Varg rubs his back trying to calm him. "Its okay. As long as I am here he won't be able to hurt you."

The window in the room is shattered. A man, wearing a black cloak appears in front of them. When he looks up at them Varg's eyes widen in shock.


Euronymous smirks at him. "Well, look who came to save their beautiful princess. The Count Grishnackh, Varg Vikernes."

"Euronymous, why did you bring him here? Whats the point in all of this?"

"You see Varg, you took away what was rightfully mine. He was supposed to be mine from the very beginning, ever since I first laid eyes upon him. But when you two met, he wanted you, and not me. You two spent more time with each other. So I had to bring him here, take him with me by force."

Varg gets in front of Pelle and pulls out his sword. "I won't let you hurt him Euronymous! He does not belong to you!" He turns to Pelle. "Stay over here while I fight him." He then starts walking towards Euronymous.

Varg be careful, he is a demon. He is very strong." Pelle warns him.

Euronymous laughs. "So you want to fight me Varg? Hmm? Well, okay then." Euronymous then pulls out his sword.

They fight. Steel clashing against steel. The fight seems as if it will last for eternity, for neither are willing to back down. Both fighting for the same thing.

"Give up Varg. I am stronger than you." Euronymous hits Varg on his arm with his blade.

Varg falls back, clutching his arm. He won't give up. He has to get Pelle out of here. "I won't give up Euronymous. Unlike you, I care about him. You could never feel for him like I do, you heartless demon."

He then lifts his sword, with luck on his side, he fatally wounds Euronymous. He has stabbed him in the heart. He looks into the eyes of the demon as the life leaves them. His body then crumbles to dust.

Varg falls to his knees. It is over. He has won. He has defeated Euronymous and saved Pelle. But when he turns around and sees Pelle lying face down on the floor, he knows that something is wrong.

He goes to him, and scoops him up in his arms. He is still alive. But he is having trouble breathing, and Varg can hear his heartbeat growing weaker.

"V-Varg..." Pelle whispers to him, looking into his eyes.

"Pelle, what is wrong?"

"Euronymous...He must have poisoned me..."

"Is there any way that I can still save you!?"

"I-I'm afraid...that there...isn't..." Pelle tells him, his voice growing weak.

Tears start to fall from Varg's eyes. "You can't die! You must live! I-I was supposed to save you, and yet...I couldn't..." Varg says this, holding Pelle close to him. Never wanting to let him go.

Pelle moves his hand up to Vargs face, and tries to brush away the tears. "Please don't cry...We will be together again...someday. I-I love you...Varg..." And with these final words, he takes his last breath, and dies in Varg's arms.

"No!!!" Varg screams, his voice full of misery. He holds Pelles body, not wanting to leave, not wanting to go on in life anymore. Not without him.

He then grabs the handle of a blade that is in his pocket, takes it out, and holds it up against his throat. "We will be together again soon my love, just wait for me." And after these final words, he presses the blade against his throat, and slits it.

Chapter 2: Dream State
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