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Old 05-19-2015, 09:34 PM   #21
satanicangel66689's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Asgard!!
Posts: 62
"Where to sir?" The young cab driver asked.

"Tyresta National Park, 567, Saya's cottage."

The cab driver turned around to look at him, with a look on his face that seemed to be asking Varg "Why would you want to go there?".

"You sure about that?"

"Yes, I am sure."

"You must be out of your mind if you want to go there. But alright. I'll take you there."

The cab driver started up his vehicle, and drove down the road towards Tyresta. Varg stared out the window looking at all of the buildings passing by, thinking. Thinking about a lot of things.

The driver drove for about thirty minutes, and then spoke. "You know that old lady is crazy. She thinks that she can help people by doing magic spells and whatnot. If you ask me, she needs to be admitted to the psych ward. She has a granddaughter. Her name is Tracey. She lives with Saya because her mother died years ago. A few years after she was born."

"Is her granddaughter crazy too?"

The driver laughed. "Shes about as cuckoo as her grandmother."

Varg nodded his head. He had to agree with the cab driver on that.

It was about another half hour, and then they arrived at Tyresta. The driver stopped the cab right outside the forest.

"You're not going to drive into the forest? Near her house?"

"No, I'm not going near that old hag's cottage. Also this forest is said to be haunted."

Varg shook his head, got the money out of his pocket and handed it to the driver.

"Thanks. Anyways, have fun." The driver said, sarcastically.

Varg ignored him, as he walked towards the forest.

It was an old forest. The ground was covered in a white sheet of snow, the wind blowing around him, almost like a whisper. Little forest creatures making sounds all around. He heard the sound of a raven from above.

He also noticed something in the distance, far away. It looked like an old building, made of stone, with a few towers, and a wall. It was a strange looking building. He made a note to check it out later when he had the chance to.

He walked for another few minutes and saw some smoke that wasn't far away. It was coming from a chimney, attached to a small wooden cottage. As he was walking towards it, he saw the same cat again, that he saw in Norway.

"What is going on? That can't be the same cat that I saw. It can't have come all the way here."

The cat took a small glance at him. To Varg, it felt like the cat was staring right into his soul. It turned around, and jumped inside a window that was open.

He shook his head, and started walking towards the cottage again. The door was open. He knocked on it. "Um...Hello?"

He heard Saya's voice. "Ah, I have been expecting you Varg. Come in."

He went in. The cottage was small. A small lounge room with a small coffee table and chairs, the kitchen in the next room with an old stove, and two other rooms which must have been Saya's and Tracey's. The one that belonged to Saya was open.

He went inside. There were a bunch of candles that were lit, a crystal ball, small chest, a fire place, and a bed. There were also other decorations in the room too.

"Do you want anything to drink? Tea or coffee?"

"Coffee is good."

"Alright. Tracey, could you go make him some coffee?"

Varg turned around, and saw the cat again. The impossible happened before his eyes. The cat, turned into a human girl. Tracey.

"What the fuck!?" Varg stared at her in shock. This couldn't be happening. A cat, turning into a human. It was impossible.

"Surprise Varg!" Tracey yelled.

"Tracey..." Saya said, giving her a stern look.

"Alright grandmother." Tracey said, rolling her eyes.

Saya then turned to Varg. "Well, lets get down to business, shall we? Varg, hand me the letter."

His eyes went wide at this. "Wha-ho-how did you...know?"

"Just hand me the letter."

He takes the letter out of his pocket. "I should warn you before you read it. It is very...graphic...disturbing..."

She takes the letter from his hand. It is back in the envelope. She doesn't take it out. As soon as she takes it from him she throws it into the fireplace.

Varg stands up. "Hey-No! What are you doing!? You didn't even read it!"

Saya smiles. "I didn't need to read it. I already know what happened."

"Then tell me. What happened?"

"You're ex-friend, Oystein Aarseth, Euronymous, wrote this letter to you, confessing to you that he killed and ***** Per Yngve Ohlin."

"Yes, that is basically the whole point of the letter. Him confessing to me that his death wasn't a suicide and what a sick fuck he is." Varg tells her, shaking a little.

He felt...angry. Angry at himself, because he was so stupid to not know what really happened. That he didn't do anything, couldn't do anything to save the vocalist. He was also angry at Euronymous, for killing him. Taking away something from him, that should never be taken away by force, but by love. He suffered, a slow, painful, and horrible death. He was so fucking confused. Everything was confusing. He shouldn't care so much but he did. He did. But why? Why did he care so much?

He felt a hand on shoulder. He looked up and saw Tracey, with a concerned look on her face. She held a cup of coffee in her other hand.

He took it from her. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

She sat down next to him. "Don't worry, grandmother will help you. She's very good at what she does."

Varg turned back to Saya. "So, how are you going to help me?"

Saya was digging through her small chest. "I get the feeling Varg, that you want to save the deceased vocalist, am I right?"

"Yes, you are. But I can't. It is too late." He said, looking down, and staring into the cup.

"Actually Varg...Yes you can."

"Really now? How?" Varg asked, not believing her.
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