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Old 05-19-2015, 09:43 PM   #23
satanicangel66689's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Asgard!!
Posts: 62
My Star, My Moon
Chapter 5: Destroying the Face of Evil

He opened his eyes. He was in another place, another time. When he, and Tracey, went back in time, it felt like his skin, his flesh, was being torn apart. He thought that his bones would break, for they certainly felt like they would when the crystal was bringing them back in time.

"Ugh..." He moaned, while standing on his feet. He turned to look at Tracey, who looked as if she hadn't experienced any pain at all.

"Is that what it feels like to go back in time!?" He asked her. "Because if it is then I am not going back in time ever again, after all of this is over."

Tracey laughed. "Don't worry. Only the first few times are painful. Once you have traveled threw time more, you won't even feel the pain anymore."

Varg nodded his head. He was on his feet now. He looked around him. It was nighttime. The place he was at seemed familiar.

"We're in Oslo. It seems that we are near Helvete. Tracey, do you know what date it is?"

"It is July Seventh, 1991. A few months after your boyfriend was murdered." She chuckled to herself, smirking.

Varg frowned at her. "He is not my boyfriend. I am married and have kids. I am in love in with my wife, Marie. Pelle is nothing more, then someone who I just want to save."

"Well, you talk about him as if he is your lover. Also, you are not married now, and won't be when we go back further in time."

Varg sighed at her words. "Damn this girl is annoying...Why Saya, did you have her come with me? So far she is doing nothing but being annoying."

Somewhere, he thought from far away, he could hear Saya, laughing.

He dismissed his thoughts, and tried to remember what happened on this night.

"Hmm...I think this is the night when Euronymous had me sign a record contract or something." He told Tracey.

"And why would he have you do that? Did he want part of the money that you made from selling your albums?" She asked him.

"I think so. Anyways, I remember meeting him here when it was almost midnight. What time is it now?"

Tracey took a small watch out of her pocket and looked at it. "11:53 P.M."

"Ah, then he'll be here soon. Well then, I suggest you turn back into a cat before he gets here."

"Why though? He won't mind someone else being with you will he?"

"No, I don't think that he will. But I remember telling him that I would meet him here by myself, not with anyone else."

"Well, alright. But I really don't see the point still." After she said this, she turned back into a cat.

Varg smiled. "Thats better. Now I can't hear a word that you're saying."

Suddenly he heard a voice in his head. "Actually, yes you can." He looked back to her. In her cat form, she just meowed at him.

"How can I still hear you?"

"We can speak to each other, telepathically. So, when we are with other people and need to speak to each other, this will come in handy so that they can't hear us and think that you're crazy."

Varg frowned and brought his hand up to his face. He really hoped that he wouldn't have to hear Tracey when she was in her cat form. He would just have to put up with it, for he knew that what he was doing now was worth it, despite her being annoying.

"Is that your best friend's car that I see coming this way?"

Varg looked up and saw a black car, just down the road. It was him. It was Oystein Aarseth, Euronymous.

"Yes. It is him. And he is not my friend."

"Well, you two were friends in this time, before you learned that he was going to kill you."

"Well, not anymore. Now shut up." She meowed back to him in response.

The car pulled up in front of them. Euronymous turned it off, got out of the car, and went up to Varg.

"Well, hello Varg. Sorry, I am a bit late. Sonja, wanted me to stay with her and do some things with her..." He told Varg, trailing off.

Varg remembered Sonja. She, was Euronymous's girlfriend. From what he remembered about her, she was a bitch, and was also a prostitute. He didn't know how anyone could date someone like her, but he figured that she and Euronymous deserved each other.

"I don't care to know what you did with her." Varg said, letting out a small, forced laugh. "Anyways, are we going to go inside or not?"

"Yes we are." Euronymous walked over to the doors of Helvete, took a key out of his pocket, and unlocked the door. They both went inside, with Tracey following them.

Euronymous, went over to a desk, that looked pretty beat up. "As you know, I'm going to have you sign some papers. Whatever money you make off of selling your albums, some of it goes to me. Do you understand?"

"Of course."

"Good." He then saw the cat, that was sitting down near Varg. "Whats with the cat?"

"Huh?" Varg looked down at Tracey, who just meowed at him. "Hmm...I don't know. Must have came in here with us. Probably wanted a place to stay for the night."

"Sure." Euronymous said, while handing Varg the papers, and still looking through the desk. "Now sign these, while I look for something."

"And what is it that you are looking for?"

"Ah! I found it!" Euronymous, had a photo in his hand. He handed it to Varg.
"Here look at this, what do you think? I took it myself."

Varg looked at the photo. It was the infamous photo of Pelle's dead body. His brains splattered against the wall, his slit wrist, and throat. The rifle, and knife were in the photo that he used to kill himself. No, that Euronymous used to murder him. He also noticed the famous t-shirt that Pelle wore on that day. "I love Transylvania."

Varg looked at the photo with disgust. When he first saw the photo, he felt neutral about it. Now, that he sees the photo again, and knows what Euronymous did to Pelle, he feels sick and wants to burn the photo. He wonders if there were any others that Euronymous had taken of Pelle on that fateful day.

He hands it back to Euronymous. "So, what do you think? Pretty cool, huh? I'm using it for the next album cover."

"Did you take any other photos of him? Of his dead body?" Varg asks, curious.

"Yes, I did. But I threw the rest of them away."

"You probably took pictures of yourself ****** him you sick fuck!" Varg thought, angrily. "Hey, Oystein. I need to ask you something..."

"What is it?"

"Do you ever...miss him? Do you think you could have done anything to make him not kill himself?"

Euronymous turned around. "Why do you ask?"


Euronymous sighed. "I don't think there was anything anyone could have done to stop him from killing himself. He was obsessed with death and he wanted to die. No one could help him. And yes, of course I do miss him. He was Mayhem's greatest vocalist, and wrote very amazing lyrics. I'm glad that he left us the lyrics of Life Eternal in his suicide note. If you ask me, I think it was the greatest thing that he could have done for the band, killing himself. It got Mayhem more publicity. I think it was for the best that he took his own life."

Varg couldn't believe what he was hearing from Oystein's mouth. He wanted to grab the nearest boulder and bash his fucking teeth in.

"Hey...Whats the matter with you? You're shaking. Are you okay?"

He came up to Varg and placed a hand on his shoulder. When he did that, Varg, took a knife out of his pocket and appointed it at Oystein's throat.

"What the fuck are you doing!!??" Euronymous yelled at him, in shock.
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