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Old 11-30-2015, 01:03 PM   #4
laughing goth
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Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 93
"I am an adult and I shouldn't have to deal with this."
Oh yes you do, Trust me Your parents are going to bug you for ever. You can't change your parents but you can change your reaction to them.

If you do stuff they don't like. They will bring it up every holiday.

In your room,What is a plant job ?

I will say that I am very good at hiding my Goth, and I am going to give you a few hints.
First I would not go goth over night especially since your family is against it. I know where you are here. Dress the part on the inside. Black underwear is your friend. Black jeans are just black jeans so there is another thing you can look normal in but feel Goth, black tee shirts slashed and decorated as you like under your ( normal )jacket or sweater will also not be seen. Then add a black belt with black pyramid spikes. Its all about understatement for now.

have packages sent to work or a good friends house.

The good news is that you can listen to all the music you want with head phones and that alone is a great comfort.

If you have a locker at work stash stuff there.

Do make up after you have left the house. I remember at the club some people would always show up dressed normal ( more or less) and go to the bathroom to change and do make up.
Every one knew Oh her parents are strict.

Goth also uses allot of religious symbols crucifixes are popular so head in that direction. The priest can hardly accuse you of consorting with demons if you carry around a rosary.

You could also go white Goth we always had some white goths around, and once you go live on your own white can become black.
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