Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 12-05-2015, 04:13 PM   #8724
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Originally Posted by BourbonBoy View Post
WTF's happened to decent behavior and the ability to have a civilized conversation online or irl?
I hear you MereMortal and concur with all <3
I think over time the net has in a way degraded manners?
Is that fair to say? I mean, in the early days there was a lot less cocklordery.
To my mind, over time people became more and more accustomed to the level of anonymity provided .. hiding behind avatars and strutting their stuff behind keyboards and the safety of their screen. They get away with saying shit that they could never conceive of uttering irl .. get to stretch their tongues.

I think it's also worthwhile to remember that these days pretty much everyone now has net access .. aaand .. how do I put this? Mmmm, there are varying degrees of intelligent life form out there? o.O

Good manners cost us nothing, unfortunately some are either unwilling to share; or devoid of good grace in the first place. Then of course you have those unfortunate creatures who go out of their way to spew words of ill. They stir up ill feeling in an attempt to empower themselves .. sad.

They are dickheads, I try to feel pity for their quandary, but as a wise woman once said "Ain't nobody got time for that!"

Have to say .. it's rather safe feeling around these parts MM ..
What say I hereby offer to put up the Dukes to anyone that razzles?
If you find another to be raining on your parade, holler for me and I shall promptly offer them outside .. Queensbury Rules
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