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Old 12-30-2015, 05:48 AM   #6
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Purgatory
Posts: 297
Hahaa but of course I did!
Xmas day is one long pyjama party

Thing of it is, here in the grim North it's doom & gloom.
Dark all around, barely gets light each day ..
The days are so short that it's easy to lose yourself into a depressive state.
Personally, I've dealt with depression since my teens, so I have small battles to fight during the bleak midwinter. Light is so important; hahaa even silly fairy lights cheer me, candlelight lifts my soul .. following Hallows or rather Samhain ~ the Festival of the Dead, it's hard for me to resist embarking on the attic journey to grab Xmas - or rather Yule lights & decorations. Pffft the attic is a chore of a trip for a shorty! I'm going up there to house the Hallows decs anyway .. seems daft making 2 separate trips o.O

Plus .. it honestly lifts me! I am a Goth Moth
Dark days and nights, bad weather - the cold, the rain .. storms! 70+mph wind.
The little fairy lights and candles seem to soothe <3

Hahaa my birth name comes from the Latin word for 'light' ..
Must be an inherent part of me to be drawn to it?

Oh LG ((hugs)) soz that things are rough atm!
The time between Xmas & New Years is a weird desolate 'no mans land'.
I hear ya Pr1, this really IS in truth the hardest time of year!
So many poor souls are bereft with just old ghosts of memories for company.
It's my birthday tomozz and honestly it has forever sucked.
New Years hijacked my birthday! :o LOL
The biggest fucking anticlimax for all every single year!

Sooo roll on 2016 \m/
Cos we're gluttons for punishment
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