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Old 04-28-2020, 05:00 AM   #42
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Join Date: Aug 2019
Location: In Hell.
Posts: 327
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Last night,

My spouse and I were road tripping through the Slavic countries of Europe in a van. There lived an immortal roaming samurai class in these countries. This samurai class was a relic of past ages who were revered in some countries and reviled in others. Sporadically I was a Scottish warrior myself, who still revered them, and I partook in some sword fights on a large battle field.
When, during a battle, I heard some other soldier curse at one of those “Old Ones” I snapped at the fool, told him that the “Old Ones” should be spoken to only with the very soothiest of words.
Back to the van: Some shady Slav character had hired me and my wife to deliver an inflatable doll to Ukraine, he had instructed us to go to some particular city near the border where he would meet us to receive the doll.
“Or,” he had told us, “If you can’t find it, just bring it into any other city. Our country is big and beautiful.”
Well, sure enough, we couldn’t find the right city, so, we drove through several Ukrainian cities, getting increasingly frustrated because we had no idea where to deliver the doll. I mean, how exactly could we just take it into “any city” where we had no contact people at all.
We ended up just dumping the stupid thing out of the back of the moving van and left it lying in the middle of the road.

In another dream, I was riding shotgun in our usual car, my wife was behind the wheel, when we spotted a bunch of people having a funeral in the middle of the road. My wife got very upset about the unexpected situation, and instead of stopping, she just plowed right through the crowd of people. It was nasty. Bodies rolling over our car like bowling pins and leaving a bloody trail behind us.
“Oh, BEEB, our lives just ended,” I said. Because I figured now the cops would get us and put us away for this.
My wife started crying, and I was trying to cheer her up by reminding her about the bright sides,
“At least now you can drive completely freely for the rest of the way, go full GTA if you like.”
It didn’t much help as there was nothing she wanted but for the whole thing to go away.
It was a very depressing dream. The setting of this dream was a town where we used to live many years ago. Also, my wife was wearing something like a prom dress in this one.

One dream had some comic book industry recruitment detectives(???). I don’t know. It was like a film noirish thing with two detective-like partners. One of them had a chin beard and dark hair, his partner was bald. They had a prickly boss harping on them to get a certain comic artist to sign some contract.
“Make it sound like the Dark Knight to him, or your both fired,” the boss told them before he sent them off.
As they were making to leave their office, the chin beard was all sanctimonious and saying stuff to his partner, like,
“He can’t expect us to do this. Since when is it okay to be dishonest in our line of work?”
“Look,” answered the more cool-headed (or more unscrupulous) baldy, “Just suck it up, we have a job to do and you’re not gonna sabotage us, we have to feed our families.”
The chin beard also said, “Since when is the Dark Knight a good look, anyway?”
“Are you kidding me? Since the sixties, I love the Dark Knight,” baldy answered with a dramatic air punch.

Then there was a dream where someone here on Gothic Net filed me a complaint saying that it was against the rules to post too much in one thread, threatening that I had been spamming this dream thread too much, and I would have to stop doing it or else...

The last dream of the night was similar to the second, my wife was again driving when some ugly (very neurotic looking) redheaded man started to cross the road and she didn’t slow down or stop despite my telling her to do so (I also told her to stop in the previous dream, too). This time the guy started to run though, and got out from under us so that we just barely missed him.
This took place in the town where we currently live.
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