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Old 08-27-2020, 08:28 PM   #161
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Join Date: Aug 2019
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Scenes from last night,

Wife and I had spent the night in a crummy hotel. We were just packing up when two cops burst into the room. I had a little bag of some white powder drug in my bag, and I was afraid the cops would search it.

The cops asked us if we'd been listening to loud music in the room.

We told them no.

Peculiar, they said, they were here because of a disturbance complaint. Then they asked if we'd heard any loud noises.

We said we definitely hadn't even heard any loud noises. Maybe some nerdy boys staying next room had been talking a bit loud, but nothing that anyone should find worth complaining.

Then one of the cops pulled out a framed board with the following equation (although most of it is blotted out because I don't remember what it said) handwritten in black marker on a yellow paper.

D******** ****** **
A******** ***** *****
T****** **** *******
A*** ***** **** *** ****
"Get it? Data? They are nerds!" he said and laughed.

We were like, O-kay. Then we left the hotel and were walking toward a train station (I think). But the one cop with the board kept following us and showing us more boards with dumb word plays he liked to laugh at. We really didn't want to hang with cops and just wished he'd bugger off already.


The next was either in a different dream, or a scene in the same dream, I do not remember how these relate nor their order.

Wife and I were at a market where I had a conversation with the person at the checkout counter about how Jack the Ripper was a famous freedom fighter for the independence of Cuba. All the murders were aimed at achieving this.


One last scene, again, could be either a different or the same dream, but this was definitely the last scene.

I don't remember how it was done, but I drove my car into the middle of an ocean. And there was a huge skyscraper rising out of the waters. I scaled it into a great height, where I sat down on a ledge.

From the ledge there was an opening into the inside of the building, but there was a formidable drop down there. I had come to the place because I had with me a book that told it was a gateway into a different reality. One just had to make the perilous jump, the book said.

From the ledge I watched as the insides realigned somehow. A set of stairs grew into place underneath me, which made the drop a little less long, but also meant landing would be harder as I would have to hit a step exactly or I'd probably just break my ankle, roll down the stairs and break my neck.

I read more of the book, and found it said that almost no one had managed to get to the other side. That it had been believed that many would have done it, but then some divers had gone into the spot below in the sea and found hundreds upon hundreds of cars still lying there.

I was like, Oh, great, why didn't I see this part before I came here?

I was starting to get nauseous due to my fear and due to the great height. I started to feel like I was gonna fall, so I went into a squat and held tight onto the edges of the ledge. The book accidentally fell into the sea. I felt myself wobbling and feared I'd be next.

Then after a while, all of a sudden, all my fears subsided. I made the jump, and landed perfectly.

I was now in the other world. I walked down a weird, empty street of an ancient cyclopean city. I thought back to the entry in the book about the divers, and thought about how ridiculous it was. It had claimed the cars in the ocean as proof that people rarely made it through here, but I was here, with no reception in my phone, and no idea how to get my car out of the ocean where it still lay.
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