Thread: Rant Thread
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Old 01-17-2006, 04:15 PM   #1706
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Originally Posted by Sanctus Dei
Julia... go visit and get away. Trust me, things will only get worse if you don't do something soon. (I've had the same problem, almost lost the best love of my life because of it.)
Oh see that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid. My bf (and future husband) and I have been fighting more often lately and I don't blame him for that. Like I said, I'm not completely all there and it hurts him to see it and sometimes he gets frustrated with me, as he should. He's been with me for a long time and knows that he can expect much, much more of me, but he's still a sweetheart and says that he wants to help me through this.

We talked for a bit yesterday and finally assented to the fact that maybe me taking a little vacation wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen. We'll talk more when he gets home tonight.

Thank you though because now I see that my fears that things will just get worse aren't unfounded. It helps refortify my original point. I'm glad you only "almost" lost the best love of your life and managed to salvage it. It is soo worth salvaging.
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