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Old 12-17-2003, 06:42 PM   #13
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Canada
Posts: 355
so on another note entirely, my day today was a blast. as im sure more than a few of you know i work in an animal research facility. today we were doing tissue collection for a pharmasutical (ya im pretty sure thats not spelt right) company. basically that means i spent five hours on my feet , wearing rubber boots, in a cold room, under really bright lights slicing open rats and dicing them up. there were eight-teen all together and even though there were four of us working on them i did at least half. i dont think i'll be able to get the smell of rat innards out of my nose for a few days now :twisted:
i dont really know what it is about my work that i love so much, my boss desided to put me in charge of necropsy because im goth. apparently this means i love blood guts and gore. truthfully i actually do love blood guts and gore but im not so sure this is because i am goth, i think its a side effect of being warped :twisted: in any case since she placed me in there a little over a month ago i've gotten the chance to see the inner workings of a variety of animals including ducks and dogs. as gross as im sure a lot of you think this may be its actually really neat.
anyways thats how my day went, tonight im sure to have some pretty messed up dreams which i'll try to remember and post for you all, in the mean time im gonna go snag a smoke from my room mate.
you never learn to swear until you learn to drive
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