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Old 02-06-2006, 09:09 AM   #1
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I am concerned about my kitten's health.

My cat recently had four kittens, 3 of them are perfectly normal and healthy but one was born with a kinked tail. I don't know if this has anything to do with it but, about 2 weeks ago, a little red bump started poking out of her little anus.

Since then, it seems it's been growing and leaking a yellowish liquid. She can still do her business, she still eats normally, she plays, she still has a healthy twinkle in her eye and she doesn't seem to be in pain (except when momma cat cleans it).

All I can think it could possibly be is maybe her intestines poking out?

I've tried googling this and asking various friends who have been cat owners all their lives but, no one seems to know.

I'm trying to hold off for another couple of weeks until she's ready to be given away, I just don't know if this is too serious to wait. I don't have the money to pay for expensive vet procedures or operations, I wish I did. It would make my life a little easier.

I was thinking of giving her to the Humane Society since they'll give her whatever she needs before giving her a home but, again, I don't know how much longer this can wait or how serious it really is.
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