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Old 02-06-2006, 11:08 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by JuliaGaltic
Thank you all for your suggestions, they've helped.

Cannibalnuns, I went to the sites you posted. It didn't sound exaclty like what was happening with her but I went to some links and related sites I found on them and I found this:

While only a vet making an examination can make a diagnosis, it is possible that Pumpkin has either an anal or rectal prolapse or a prolapse of the colon through the rectum.

Anal prolapses are protrusions of the mucosal tissue lining the rectum. On the other hand, a rectal prolapse looks like a tube of tissue coming out of the anus. A prolapse of the colon looks like a rectal proplapse but tube is the colon passing through the rectum.

Causes? Anything that leads or has lead kitty to strain or have intestinal problems (i.e., tapeworms, other intestinal parasites, anal sac irritation, allergies, fleas, etc..)

Given the swelling, it appears likely that kitty has some intestinal problems/parasites. So what to do? Take Pumpkin to vet. While all can be treated, success is dependant on the timing of treatment. Be aware that both rectal and colonic prolapses can be fatal

I swear I'm gonna cry, I'm going to start looking for cheap or free emergency vet services, even if it means I have to give her up a few weeks early.

If anyone knows of any numbers I could call or sites I could visit regarding emergency pet care, please let me know.

Thank you so much for all your help and support thus far.
Does 'Special Pals' have a 'no-kill' shelter where you live?

In Texas, they will provide medical care and housing free of charge, for cats and dogs. PM me your city again, and I will see what I can find.

A Prolapse is possible, or an Anal Fistula. Or it could be something as simple as an Anal infection like the others said. Try to keep Mom from cleaning it too much, and use gloves if you yourself are going to be handling the affected area.

The Yellow discharge definitely is a sign of infection.

Lets see what we can do about getting her into see someone who can make her feel better.

PM me your details again and I'll see what I can dig up..


Hang in there Beautiful.
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