Thread: Rant Thread
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Old 02-09-2006, 08:27 PM   #1929
DrenchedInGin's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Posts: 112
Indeed. Which means those people who value differences (even if surrounded by hatred) are treasures. Some people seem to have the gift of accepting differences, large and small, rather than fearing them. Which is partly why I came searching for this place...

Since this is a rant thread, you know what really, really makes me boke?

Ignorant people who say 'oh, the PUREBRED [insert cultural group - usually indigenous - here] are okay, it's just the other ones who don't live traditionally/have the temerity to choose to live in cities/wish to be employed/wish to have the same rights as everybody else etc.'

I seem to hear that all the time, and every time I hear it I have to physically stop myself from flinging something at their stupid heads. Can people actually hear themselves when they say things like that? Where does this misplaced drivel come from? Can it be true, that allegedly educated people can catually think like this without their brains imploding?

(Pant, pant... must... calm down. Head... exploding...)
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