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Old 02-10-2006, 06:12 AM   #24
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I don't think the states should give money to anyone or invade anywhere until they fix their own problems at home.

I mean, I live in a country with free healthcare. We also have a welfare system that not only pays for all your needs if you become unemployed, it also pays out weekly checks to those under the poverty line to keep their income in line with the rest of the country.

We have no poverty as such, no homelessness (with the exception of a few illegals running about dublin now), and one of the lowest crime rates in the world. We don't however go telling the rest of the world how brilliant we are and try to force our way of life and our government on them. I mean, most americans don't know they live in the second percentile of prefered countries of residence anymore. What I mean by that is most of Europe, and parts of Asia now have a higher standard of living than most of the states. This means we have overcome many problems that the US has not (ie. healthcare, social security, etc). So when I see gw or any of his cronies talking about bringing a better way of life to other people whether it be through war or giving them monies to start US based programmes, I find it kinda funny.
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