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Old 09-12-2011, 01:04 PM   #66
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by Awake Knights View Post
Yes, FACT. There are quite a bit of differences between the races. Even a basic glimps at evolutionary biology will help you understand that. The argument that the only difference is the colour of our skin is rubbish. All one has to do is look at an albino African to still know what group he/she belongs to. Immune systems, bone shape and density, intelligence. Plenty out there.

Here's a great place to start
Most anthropologists agree now that race is a social construct. Different ethnic groups have different traits that get passed around, like immune systems and yes, bone shape and density, but overall there is more genetic difference within races than between them. Who gets counted as a race is subjective too. We use to count the Irish as different, and many natives could pass. The Metis in Canada can often pass as white, and indeed francophones make up their ancestry, but other than to deride them as not really aboriginal, they are counted as such. We tend to lump Africans together but within Africa they see themselves as different races, same with Asians. So physically we're a little different but what differences we emphasize enough to make a race is subjective. You can say someone who otherwise looks white is racially a Jew because she's susceptible to diseases that run in Jewish genetics. But as a Newfie, I'm susceptible to certain diseases as well, but I'm still white. A lot of it has to do with genetic diversity, the more variety of genes the less chance you got of getting these diseases. So, interracial breeding is the way to go.

Intelligence is bullshit though. While to an extent the capacity might be genetic, IQ tests are far from definitive (and psychologists are the first to tell you that) and poverty and different environmental conditions play a huge factor. If you live in a country where its not required for you to go to school and you don't, do you really think they should be able to do as well on an IQ test as a kid who went to private school?
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