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Old 06-26-2012, 03:15 PM   #7
The Passage
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Originally Posted by Anarchy45 View Post
I have mine pointed, they're totally fucking awesome and I love them =)

Only one person has noticed them and said something to me, in the 7 months since I had them done - a vet assistant with a bunch of piercings who asked if they were real :-)

Nobody seems to have noticed them in my office.

I kept a blog of my experience:

Think long and hard about it... it is a lot more permanent than a tattoo! You better be damn sure you want pointy ears for the rest of your life!

For me, I was 95% sure I wanted them done - for aesthetics and for "cuteness" :-) The other 5% was covered by regret - I would always regret NOT getting them done :-) I thought about it for over a year, and spent a lot of that time researching methods, 'artists', styles and healing. There are a few very-well-known body mod artists who do this - GO TO THEM! More and more people are trying to offer this service, but their less-than-stellar results speak for themselves. This is for life! Spend the damn money and do it right the first time. Mine were $400 for the two.

I haven't had a single reservation! Totally fucking awesome :-D
My artist used lidocaine so I didn't feel anything during the procedure, and healing basically felt like not wearing a hat in winter, for a week. Not nearly as painful as people say it is.

Think long and hard about it, but if it is what you really want, go for it!
OMG! That is so fucking cool!! I've actually wanted elfin ears since I was a little kid but I had no idea that people actually get their ears surgically pointed back then. When I found out about it, I've been doing research ever since -- but, you know, it's difficult to do when such a small percentage of people get it done. I have met no one here, in San Francisco of all places, who have their ears pointed. I'm probably more likely to find people with pointed ears due to a birth defect! I find a few snippets of experiences here and there but you mostly have news sites all over google basically telling people how stupid it is to want to look like a vulcan, like that's the only reason people get it done. -rolls eyes-

Anyway. So yes... I've wanted it for quite a while! It's not really up to debate in my mind whether or not I actually want it, my decision has already been made. As to why I haven't done it already? Multiple reasons. One, I REALLY don't want the body mod artist to fuck up. That is really scary for me. I don't want the artist to like mess up with an angle and then have my ears heal in a weird position... essentially creating fucking orc ears instead of elf ears lol. OR, worst of all, have it become infected!! I also don't want to like lay on my ear while I'm sleeping and fuck up up the healing process. I thought I might actually have to learn how to sleep on my back. Not looking forward to that! If I don't have to, great!

The pain! I heard that it REALLY hurts... which, I mean, I would put myself through that pain if it meant that I get to live the rest of my life with elf ears hehe. It's still pain, though, and pain really sucks unless you're a masochist. HOWEVER, I've read two experiences of people getting it (including you) and both mentioned little pain due to some kind of anesthetic cream that was put onto the ear prior to cutting it up.

The other thing is that I'm afraid of getting it before my mtf transitional surgeries because I'm afraid of doctors not taking me seriously when I go for, say, sexual reassignment surgery. It's already difficult enough to get qualified for it? But what would they say when I have elf ears? Simply put, being able to change my gender to FEMALE on my birth certificate, as well as enjoying sex as a woman WITH a vagina, is more important to me than being an elf. :P

Which body mod artist did you see? I was looking into Steve Haworth, who apparently does a lot of that, but I don't even know if he's still doing that. It's just that he's closer to me than having to go to the Netherlands or some shit to get it done.

Ok, cool. I think I've covered every worry, reservation, or question I have about getting it done. Despite all, I'll probably get it done eventually anyway.

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