Thread: Gun free zones
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Old 06-14-2012, 12:00 PM   #80
KissMeDeadly's Avatar
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Posts: 323
Originally Posted by AshleyO View Post
So you didn't support the war. Great. So that gives you permission to give people who went to the wars a hard time? So you don't have to give a shit because you didn't support it anyway? You're a fucking bastard.
No, and I never said it did. I did say that because he went to war does not give him the excuse to be a dick to me, and that he can't just end all of his arguments with "I've been to war so I'm better than you".

Like I said, I respect(ed) the guy for what he did, but that wasn't good enough for him. In another thread he was arguing with me against gun ownership, then in this thread he contradicted himself by saying that he wanted a gun for conceal carry, then gave me this huge list of reasons why shouldn't own one.

All I've gotten from him so far is that nobody should be allowed to own guns, but he's going to own one anyway because we was in the military. I tried being respectful, and he threw it back in my face, so I retaliated.

I'll say again - I have the utmost respect for veterans because I understand they have done, and gone through, shit that would probably make me put a bullet in my head, but that that ends there and that if you want me to respect you as a person (not just as a veteran), you have to earn it. The fact that he is a veteran does not give him an "I'm right about everything because I SAW SOME SHIT" card. Life doesn't work that way.
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