Thread: Suicide threat.
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Old 07-24-2009, 11:36 AM   #19
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 17
Originally Posted by Alarica View Post
You are clearly wallowing in self pity and I'll hazard a guess that you have tried and failed to kill yourself too. Here's the thing. Your depression is not my problem nor anyone else heres problem. These forums are not a counselling unit for whiny attention whores brandishing blades and ropes. None of us here is or ever will be responsible for the stupidity of others.

Good luck finding that light.
Did I ask you to comment on my depression?
No, I did not.
If you saw me mentioning my depression as an invitation to comment on it, then you were sorely mistaken. I was trying to make a point. You should pick them up more often.
And no, I have not tried to kill myself. I've thought about it. I came very close to attempting suicide when my Mum died, but my sister came to mind and I couldn't leave her and my Dad alone. Regardless, I'd often fall into bouts of depression, so I was given medication to keep me from ever going down that path again. Yes, I still get pretty low, lower than just normal sadness, and very rarely do I fall down that bottomless pit anymore.
People say there's a light at the end of the tunnel. If there is, where the Hell is it?
If it gets better, then why do I and many others still get depressed?
Why do the mental scars never go away?

Anarasha: I don't think you completely understand suicide or self-harm.
When people are suicidal, they don't think logically. They don't think like that because they truly believe that those people would be better off without them. All they can think about is the pain they're in, the pain that doesn't go away no matter what they do. They're tired of fighting it.
They only see one escape- eternal peace. Ending their lives, ending their pain.
The way I see it, what is the point in forcing someone to stay if they truly are in a lot of pain? What's the point in prolonging their life if they're hurting inside?
If they've already tried fighting the pain in other ways by talking about it, and it doesn't help, where's the sense in preventing them from acheiving the one thing they truly want?
One can only fight for so long. One can only try for so long before giving up.
More than often, fighting depression is like fighting a losing battle.
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