Thread: Holy Hell.
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Old 11-18-2015, 10:45 PM   #1
Murder.Of.Crows's Avatar
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Holy Hell.

Hey, It's been sometime since I ever lurked into these spam ridden corridors, but as it may be, some of the best people I have ever met were here, and I find myself needing that again. At least to some approximation, being that I know most people have left and gone. Oh how I miss those long winded arguments that could have been, and most likely were, with them selves.

So, I have come back in hopes of reuniting with old friends that didn't creep onto my FB account and mayhaps some new friends.

Now if you will allow me, I will don my "cool" sunglasses to give a short introduction to those that don't know me or didn't give any shits about who I was to begin with and in that, don't remember me.

Name is Emily, but you shouldn't care, my handle is right above whatever god awful picture I probably had chosen in my younger years. I can't see it right now, but I am sure of it's god awfulness.

I still don't do anything note worthy of a career. I suck at that. Always have, most likely always will. Don't care.

My interests are a good stockpile of whatever generic crap people are into. Just to iterate my point at it's awesome genericnasity... generictousity?... no genericnasity. I read Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, and the entire series, in repetition, of Pony Pals. That last one was a lie. My music interests are NiN, She wants revenge, Muse, and blah blah blah... fucking generic shit right? Told ya.

I like to draw, mostly homo erotic furries of television characters. Also a lie, but I do draw a bit. I like to think I'm good, but in reality it's mediocrity in it's finest forms.

No, I'm sure my skill is imagining totally mind blowing crap and not being able to get it on paper. Due to it blowing my mind. Which results in me drooling everywhere for long periods of time, rather than actually writing/drawing the shit.

I don't really know what more you'd want to know. I'm sure at this point you can get a moderately good impression of my personality, sooo....

Nice to meet you. Again or otherwise.
Caution, I may bite.
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