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Old 09-10-2007, 07:47 PM   #137
L'Oiseau Noir
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Originally Posted by Lapin
I was scared long before. People in general tend to scare me half out of mind. Now this has just driven it home once again that the world is not safe. You cannot trust people to even think about doing the right thing.

I hope that none of us have this happen. It's not about the fact that they were gothic, it's about the fact that they were human, and these boys thought it would be laugh to beat them half to death and leave them. That others can do this just terrifies me.
The world is truly an evil place, full of wicked people.

But don't let them deter you from going about your daily life. Be strong, show those punks whose boss! I know it's easier said than done, but life deems risks as an unfortunate a reality it is.

I know what you're going through though. Yes, I may be sixteen, but I've had an encounter similar this one. A guy and his girlfriend jumped me because I was a goth--his girlfriend batted me around a bit while he sat back and laughed. All because of my clothing. For awhile, I was scared to go anywhere (mind you, I did teach that bitch a lesson--don't mess with a girl in boots), but I still feared something like that would happen again. Luckily I wasn't damaged too badly--a cut on my hairline and a bruised jaw, but that was it. Still, it scared me.

But I realized that if I kept letting fear prevail over me, I'd get nothing done, I'd get nowhere or be able to hang out with friends. So I sucked it up and went out again--so far so good, I haven't been hurt--the worst I've received since then is jeers.

All I'm saying is you sometimes have to take risks even if you're scared. I did, and I'm still in one piece.

And as I said, you have my prayers--I hope you don't have to go through what I had to, even though it was on a smaller scale than the incident stated in this article.

Smaller, yes, but did it hurt? Definitely.
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