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Old 01-09-2008, 02:26 AM   #16862
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Maow..... it's 10am (ungodly hour), it was probably 3am by the time I got to sleep, I've been waking up and dozing off for several hours before I actually got up at nine... I'm tired!

Also, my bank account is currently at -£326 because of university tuition fees. Fees? What the hell? Mine is the first year to have these at a UK universiy, why does my year have to be to the shit one?
My student loan didn't come through yet, I've reapplied for everything. Till that gets done I'm stuck paying rent, fees, basic amenities like water, gas, food out of my own pocket. I've about £124 left to do this with, mind, and it'll be two months before I can afford to do otherwise unless the student loans company gets off its arse and works out for me.

Okay, sorry. That probably needed to go in Whining. But the typing was cathartic and needed to be done, and I just kinda got distracted by this thread.
By the way, lostintranslation, feel free to bite him. He's not my personal scratching post, what with him being on another landmass and all.
The noblest sentiment I have encountered and the most passionate political statement to stir my heart both belong to a fictional character. Why do we have no politicians as pure in their intent and determinedly joyous in their outlook as Arkady Bogdanov of Red Mars?
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