Thread: Equal Rights
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Old 01-10-2007, 04:51 PM   #4
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Posts: 41
Economic survival of the fittest? So, Darwinian survival of the fittest says that species who can adapt through environmental pressures, etc, are most likely to carry on their genes, and viola...there's your fittest, surviving. So, maybe these minorities are, due to what's been the changing environment for a few hundred years now (at least), to be the fittest who will survive. Europeans have pretty much created this environment with centuries of oppression...what do we really expect? These are the results. We behaved so badly that these are the measures we must take to try to make up for the irreversible damage we've done to countries, races, ethnicities, communities, families, and individuals.

While I hate it when any particular race, religion, or general culture pushes to infringe on my own personal rights, it's hard for me to listen to this sort of whining. Monarchies and governments got us into this mess in the first place--they are the ones making decisions right now to make life difficult for everyone (except those in high enough positions), and what do we do? We blame "the minorities," or just about anyone with a swarthy complexion, frankly. Ex: don't like that India's taking all the jobs? Well, Britain might have done well to have left the country alone in the first place, but as it is now, maybe the corporations you support by buying their product should not ship those jobs overseas. There's an idea. That Indian guy on the line you just called for customer support? He's just working a job, paying his bills, supporting his family...just like you.

As for religious crap...I can't even go into it. I'm an Atheist and a skeptic in general, and the thought of so much death and destruction over what I sea as purely nothing is enough to send me into a rage.
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