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Old 08-11-2010, 12:35 PM   #28
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Azareal Crow -Thank you for even considering the possibility! (about doctors making a mistake every once in awhile.)

Also, as I've said multiple times >.> I'm going to get a blood test done. Actually I'm doing that tomorrow.

Mainly this post was meant to clear my head at the time because of my fears. At the very least, if I do have this it's not fatal. And I'd certainly rather have that than cancer or a permanent version of staph (which doesn't even sound possible....)

I realize that it's probably something else, but regardless it's something similar. My only hope here is that it isn't permanent, like some kind of fungus or something, so I can kill it.

Of course I'm going to laugh if I'm correct and it is the infection I mentioned here, but if I'm wrong I'm wrong- what do I care? This was a rant thread not a sympathy thread.

Anyway, thanks again for not being a smart-assed black and white thinker Mr.? Miss? *feels stupid for not checking first* Crow. ^_^
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