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Old 01-21-2010, 06:26 PM   #89
Wintermute's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Medford, Oregon, USA
Posts: 78
Jesus christ. The amount of bullshit you lunatics are using as a defense for your obesity and slob-fuck diets is hilarious.

You're pretty lucky using food stamps as a defense because I doubt everyone on these boards knows how they really work, but that shit doesn't work on those who do.

I get food stamps every month and you're out of your mind if you're saying they don't MORE than pay for fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are the cheapest thing you can fucking buy in the store. Compared to high calorie diets and people who drink soda, eat chips, candy, ice cream, canned crap, eat tons of meat, dairy, and about 80% of what's sold on the market, a vegetarian diet is as cheap as it gets.

Maybe if you weren't such a fucking moron trying to buy your produce from Whole Foods or the goddamn organic grocery like every other dumbass hippy who's easily brainwashed by anything remotely naturalistic.

And holy fuck. 50 bucks a month? That's it? You must be making around 1200 or more a month at your job - or you're fucking lying, and I KNOW you are lying because I have photocopies of the paperwork right in front of me that explains how the budget works based on your income in every state. So don't play the 'you don't know how it works in my state' card either.

Whatever your financial situation is, if it's so fucked up that you can't even afford fruits and vegetables on a food stamp budget because you already make so much at your job and have to pay bills so fucking expensive - well holy shit my friend, that's another rant thread in itself isn't it? Maybe you should be bitching about THAT instead of your godawful weight problems.

Seriously, just stop. Stop eating so much fucking food, get off these forums, and go run some laps. You're a fatass slob and nobody gives a shit about your poorly contrived asshole excuses.
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