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Old 04-22-2004, 04:54 PM   #12
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Canada
Posts: 67
I believe that we are born goth and made goth and both types are legitimate goths. Some people I know have been dark and morbid their entire lives. Others I know have been made goth by traumatising incidents in their lives that made them see everything in a darker light. Some people haven't been previously goth but "discovered" macabre aspects of their personality through clothing, music, and art and then decided they liked it alot.

I had always been different from others kids not because I was dark and listened to strange music, but more because of my personality. In fact, I had a happy and normal childhood. However, I was always extremely shy and tended to spend more time reading and observing others rather than joining in and socializing. As I aged and went through school I grew more aware of how "weird" and socially inept I was. I became angry and depressed knowing for some reason I just couldn't fit in. The smarter I got, the more contempt I felt for society and the world. I reflected that contempt in my clothing, music, writing, and art. I wanted to show the world on the outside how I felt on the inside. I befriended gothlike people and was amazed at how similar they were to me in ideals and tastes.

So does that mean I was born goth? Made goth? I don't really know nor care. I am what I am today and it makes me happy.
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