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Old 12-15-2006, 11:28 AM   #134
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Originally Posted by om3gag0th666
Yes, because the computer was definetly something old that we made new. That and the movable type, the light bulb, electricity, the ptolemaic system, etc.
Where would the computer be without taking what we already knew about electricity and combining it with other known inventions to create something new? Isn't a printer taking the same thing that movable type was created for and advancing it to evolve into something new? Everything you know now is built on something old that was known in the past. I rest my case here.

"None of this matters to the goths who are being who they really are, and who will continue to go on doing so."

Irony: being who you really are, requires the expulsion of labels and clichés.
Who made these labels? I didn't. I didn't actually say I was a goth, did I? But if the shoe fits, why throw it away?

Clichés? You can't escape them. Even you saying you are an individual that doesn't fit into any group is a cliché. Love And Rockets have a lyric that goes:

'You cannot go against nature/Because when you do/Go against nature/It's part of nature too.'

And even that is a cliché, my friend. But well said nonetheless. People who try their hardest not to do or like anything that is conformist, mainstream, cliché or otherwise are doing just that: trying too hard. And in the process, not being true to themselves. That's why 'goths' who are doing the goth thing just to be rebellious and shocking are pathetic and clueless, and they won't be around long. There are a lot of them here, as you may have noticed.

Do what suits you, be who you are. I am doing just that. How about you?

You embrace them, you would rather dress similarly to others, and fit into a group of people rather than wear whatever the hell you want, behave however you feel, etc.
I don't think you understand. I *am* dressing the way I want, being who I want, associating with who I want. The fact that this is similar to what the goth subculture does is actually irrelevant, though I can't say I'm unhappy that there are others who feel the same way I do. If goth went away tomorrow I wouldn't change anything I do. If goth changed into something I don't like tomorrow, I'd shun it like rotten cabbage. And that's that.

Of course, that's just me, and doesn't necessarily apply to everyone else here. But I know I'm not the only one who feels that way.

I am an individual, I do not fit into any group besides the human race. I can't fit, I don't wear the right clothes, I don't behave the right way, I don't have the right outlook every single day.

Being an individual does not mean to conform to something else to acquire acceptance and peace of mind. You have a long way to go, kiddo.
The day I do only what some group dictates to me as the right thing to do is the day I die. And that goes for the goth subculture as well. Long way to go? I've already been there, likely for longer than you've been alive... kiddo.

You seem like a sensible person. Why waste time lambasting goth kids on the internet? The ones who fit your stereotypes aren't really goths anyway, and the ones who don't fit them deserve a little respect.

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