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Old 10-20-2011, 07:28 AM   #171
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Originally Posted by x-deviant-x View Post
You'd do well to take your own advice. I would say the topic turned (partially) into being about Genesis, due to Saya's denial of it having any resemblance to Enuma Elish or Gilgamesh, which is contrary to what many scholars believe. I have read Genesis, Enuma Elish and Gilgamesh – in fact I have all 3 of them right here in front of me - along with many other myths and I strongly disagree with her stance on the issue and I can back it up with facts. I've seen no facts presented here from you or anyone else. Saya argued that Enuma Elish was anthropomorphic, polytheistic and that it doesn’t cover Joseph’s death in Egypt. Well, neither does Genesis 1 (cover Joseph’s death). The rest can be explained due to the differences between polytheism and monotheism. Marduk is Elohim. In Babylonian mythology, Marduk is not the only God, just the most important one, aside from possibly Anu.
Elohim in Genesis 1 is not embodied, but transcendent, omnipotent, all powerful and not anthropomorphic. Marduk didn't create anything, but through his actions things were created much by accident. YHWH is anthropomorphic in Genesis 2, but still have direct intent and doesn't spend a whole lot of describing how he made the world, EXCEPT THAT THE ORDER CHANGES.

You claim I know nothing about Lilith, yet you provide no evidence to prove me wrong. So where is your evidence? I stated her story to the best of my knowledge and you say I’m wrong, yet provide no facts to support that claim. I’ve mentioned various possible sources of the current incarnation of Lilith, and you dismiss them as me “desperately grasping at straws”, yet again have provided no proof to back up your claims. And nowhere in any of these posts has anyone discussed her “lack of importance in Jewish faith”, so how was that the topic of the conversation when no one stated it? I’d suggest YOU learn to read, Mr. Alan.
herp a derp a derp, where is your evidence that she was always considered the wife of adam, from prebiblical times? Your two encyclopedia sources proved you wrong.
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