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Old 05-21-2011, 11:27 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by Grausamkeit View Post
I know it was said months ago, but how the hell is it easy for people to cheat the system and get welfare they don't even need? I could never even get it when I did need it....Maybe in states other than Texas? I don't believe it's easy to do it.

That's our experience with attempting to get assistance when we needed it.

When I lived in the states, Virginia specifically, I found myself unemployed and in a bad financial situation, ironically because of the government, but thats a different story.

I was able to get food stamps at the time, but that still took four months and was only $150 a week that could only be spent in grocery stores. I did not qualify for any other assistance as in Virginia only single mothers who do not get child support can claim welfare. It bothers me when people talk about people on welfare because in most states the only people who can actually get it are single mothers. It's not like a man can quit his job and get a check from the government in America, or a single woman without any children. It is a very specific group and that group IMHO deserve the money as America does not offer a living wage like Europe does. Google the term 'living wage' if you like, but the short and skinny of that is if you make minimum wage in America you still can't pay for your basic necessities, your normal bills (rent, electricity, water, etc.) much less pay for a child minder every week.
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