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Old 05-30-2011, 07:23 PM   #9
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 132
Everyone's slow sometimes, and it is a little late. Did your friend have stellar marks, or anything like volunteering at a pharmacy experience? I've heard it's pretty competetive, but I'm hoping it's not as bad as people say.

That sounds like an awesome place to volunteer, I'm glad to hear you enjoy it so much. I was looking for somewhere to put my free time over the summer and I didn't even come across that organization. I ended up volunteering at the campus food bank. It's pretty wicked there too.

I didn't know they taught Mandarin at mun. Sounds like you have a lot of options, haha, it's a blessing and a curse. I'd figure that social work would be the best option for a job at a women's help centre.

We had a horror movie society? I'd have been all about that. While I'm a pretty fetish-y person, I don't think I could get involved with a group of people based on that. Unless maybe I had a friend who had already gone there and green lighted it. I might just be being old fashioned, but sounds potentially sketchy.
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