Thread: My parents
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Old 12-10-2008, 11:59 AM   #89
Tam Li Hua
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Originally Posted by Ms.Crowbar
"An' it harm none, do what ye will". Basically, it means do whatever the Hell you want, just don't hurt anyone while you're doing it.
First of all, korinna explained exactly what witchcraft specifically is, and according to her it's not a religion or even a philosophy.

What you are describing here is philosophy, which may very well be associated with Wicca rather than witchcraft specifically, since a person doesn't need to be initiated into anything in order to practice witchcraft.

That being said, your philosophy sounds more like LaVeyan atheism than anything else..

You hurt people by lying, stealing and killing. Our Rede tells us not to do that, just like the Bible tells you not to do it.
I can dig it, though I've no idea what a Rede is, and am pretty sure that witchcraft was around before any form of written philosophy.

Witchcraft involves a lot of meditation, a lot of visualisation.
Let's say that you're about to go on stage to perform infront of hundreds of people. You're really nervous and you really don't want to do it. If you were to take just a couple of minutes visualising yourself onstage doing a great job, if you believe that you'll do a great job, then you will.
I hate to break it to you, but that's not a witchcraft-centered mentality; it's simply a psychological mind trick you perform on yourself. My Christian therapist used similar tactics...which she learned in psych classes in help me in therapy.

Be aware that I am not saying such tactics are bad. Rather, I think they're great! But they have nothing to do with witchcraft.

There are spells for everything, from love to prosperity to health and protection.
I'm sure there are, but my question is whether or not these spells actually work, and whether or not they have helped you in your day-to-day life.

For instance, have these spells helped you with your relationship with your parents?

If your friend is ill, you can visualise them getting better. Of course, it's not easy. But more than often it works.
What kind of illness are we speaking of here, though? Are we talking about a case of the sniffles [which is easily taken care of by modern medicine], or are we talking about something more serious? Also, do you have some personal experience you can share where a person was healed through a spell? [I'm not trying to be difficult; I'm honestly curious.]
"Follow your bliss..."
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