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Old 04-22-2004, 12:56 PM   #8
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 104
That is a very well thought out perspective...
You're one of the few people who ever said that to me on line =).
However, in regards to Marilyn Manson. As much as I am irritated by some of the things the man says, he does have my respect as an artist and a genuinely intelligent person (albeit a bit off... but such is the case with many intellectuals). I would come to the conclusion that the man is Goth and simply does not choose to label himself as such due to media steriotyping...

I would also say similar things of Stephen King, pointing out my position that "The clothes do not make the Goth..." (after all... look at me, Mr. "I'm in the army" goth.... lol...)

Both of these people are indeed "Just themselves..." but isn't that also a part of being goth? The need to be ones self outside of the social stigma?
I agree completely. But is goth not a self-proclaimed title? If a person doesn't take oneself as a goth then, is that person really not a goth? I think that anyone who doesn't label themselves goth is indeed not a goth even if that person dresses, acts and in reality is a goth.
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