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Old 09-26-2011, 07:20 AM   #140
Ben Lahnger
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I'm not actually saying all that, but way to generalize.

By the way, I have heard from other sources about how good Animal Man is; your suggestion of that title is well taken. So there is at least one comic out of the group I may be interested in. However, the rationale for the reboot was/is extremely flawed. The deletions and changes to a rich and deeply threaded continuity (previous history re-jiggering notwithstanding) is much more destructive than constructive. So yes, I have a tremendous bias against it. I'm be no means alone in that opinion.

I'm chuckling over the notion that the woman who once told me this ...

... is definitely WANK would also say that this ...

MAY be "cheesecake"!

I'm saying that in the entire recent two-year, 26 issue run of Power Girl (a series that was ripe with potential for pandering and sexualization, as has been apparent in the character's previous history) there was not one single panel that was as blatantly sexualized as that one frame of Batwoman. In fact, the Power Girl writers went to some great lengths to make some strong feminist statements and to satirize/criticize the industry for it's increasing sexualizing of female characters.
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As the poets have mournfully sung,
death takes the innocent young,
the rolling in money,
the screamingly funny,
and those who are very well hung.

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