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Old 01-05-2006, 01:14 AM   #166
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Originally Posted by Panther
Does it really matter what the already vastly undereducated youth of America thinks happened to some monkeys millions of years ago? How does knowing evolution theory help you in real life? School is mostly there to teach us to learn, not to give us all the answers on Jeopardy. Some people just loose sight of that sometimes.
#We don't need no education; we don't need no thought control.#

#Hey teacher!, leave those kids alone.#

Seriously though, you could probably argue that, well, most of the stuff we learn in school has "no real life use". Mind you, I'd personally disagree - it's more no everyday use, but that doesn't make it useless, if you want to understand biology, you should really have a basic understanding of evolution. It's a bit like knowing how to use applications without knowing how the computer works, sure you can get away with it most of the time, but if the computer throws something unexpected at you, you're kind of screwed.

Besides, part of learning how to learn is starting from the base theorem and working upwards, building on top of the basics, and evolution is certainly that.

Intelligent design is of course fine, but never as part of science class as you rightly point out. It ain't science, it can't be, it isn't a natural explanation. (Now court-tested too). Starting from intelligent design caused evolution is fine of course, not that I think that, but unfortunately many ID proponents are more interested in trying to create doubt where none should be about evolution.

Kind of sad really, if ID people stopped doing that they may get more acceptance, but that isn't what ID is for, it's to promote Christianity.
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