Thread: New Joke thread
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Old 04-24-2005, 10:05 PM   #8
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Off my rocker and being beaten with it
Posts: 30
A man goes to a bar at the top of a high rise. There he strikes up a conversation with a man drinking whiskeys and coke who tells him that whiskeys and coke make one light as a feather. The first fellow thinks he just means pleasantly intoxicated when the second drinker says, "Watch, I'll show you."
To the first man's horror, the other takes a running start, and, hurtling himself throught the window glass, throws himself off the building.
Stunned, the new customer can only shake, hugging himself when the elevator opens and out comes his new friend, healthy as can be.
"I told you so" he says, and, drinking down another whiskey and coke, once again hurtles himself through the broken glass only to re-appear in the elevator once more.
"Now you try it", he says, at which point the first man has a whiskey and coke and flings himself out the window and to his death.
The bartender looks at the first man and says, "Gee, you're an asshole when you drink, Superman".
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